Full Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Address: City: State: Zip Code:
Preferred Check-in Date: Preferred Check-out Date: Bungalow Size (Select One): 1-Bedroom2-Bedroom4-Bedroom Rental Duration: DailyWeekendWeeklyMonthly
Number of Adults: Number of Children: Total Number of Guests: Do you have any pets? YesNo If yes, please specify the type and number of pets:
Current Residence Address: Residence City: Residence State: Residence Zip Code: Is this your primary residence? YesNo Do you own your primary residence or rent? OwnRent If renting, please provide your landlord's name and contact information for reference: Landlord’s Name: Landlord’s Phone Number:
Do you require any special accommodations? (Please specify):
Preferred Payment Method: Check made out to Renovate RXOther
I agree to abide by the property rules and regulations
Signature: Date:
1. Fill out the form completely: Make sure all fields are filled out accurately.
2. Submit the form: Send the completed form to Heimishretreat@gmail.com or bring it with you to the open house.
3. Contact us: If you have any questions or need assistance, please call us at 845-903-3126.